Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Constitutional rights to private property owners

The United States Constitution and the most State constitutions provide valuable protection to private owners. In this article are some of the most valuable explain these protections. Freedom of research and the SeizureThe fourth amendment to the Constitution which provides U.s. private landlords and the right to free from unreasonable searches and seize. In other words, if the police, for example, your property like find, can you not so would you cause.Eminent DomainThe, fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States probably offers the Government can remove private property, except for the use of the public, and only if fair compensation. In other words, that most of the time, the Government cannot take your property, but in the rare case where it is possible, it must pay you market value for it.Due ProcessThe fifth amendment requires that the Government, before it takes your private property as in the previous section described should provide you with notice and the opportunity to argue against the decision. This gives you a chance to defend your property and tell your side of the story before your property is taken away.Right AssembleThe, the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States guaranteed the right to peacefully on your property, assemble so if you want to organize a non-violent demonstration or a tea, the Constitution right, RightsFinally that.Voting guarantees have the right to vote, which happens at least some control over what to your property. This right, regardless of your race or gender is ensured by Amendment 15 and 19 of the Constitution of the United States.

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