Monday, January 16, 2012

How to Make A Petition For A Protective Order

User-Submitted ArticleEveryone has the right to feel "safe." Unfortunately this right is sometimes infringed upon by another party or parties. Whether a person's well-being is threatened in any way, physical, mental or implied, that person can seek protection from such threats by petitioning the court for a protective order. The laws governing protective orders may vary from state to state, but the process for requesting an order can be initiated by an individual by following some basic steps.Difficulty: EasyInstructionsThings You'll Need:TransportationAbility To Read And Write English1 A County Courthouse BuildingVisit your county courthouse building; locate the court clerk's office and ask the clerk for forms pertaining to the filing of a protective order. Read the forms carefully. The first page will have a heading similar to: Petition For Protective Order.2 Write Down All DetailsEnter the name of the person the protection order is being filed against, designated as the defendant and your name, known as the plaintiff. Take plenty of time to describe in accurate detail, everything that occurred which prompted you to take make this petition. Carefully note all dates and times that any/all actions against you took place. After you've fully completed the paper-work, sign your name where required and return the forms to the court clerk.3 Your Petition Will Be ReviewedYour written request will be assigned a case number and logged in; then it will be submitted for a judge' s review and may either be accepted, modified, denied or a request made for further data concerning your petition for a protective order. In any event, you've discovered how to make a petition for a protective order.

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