Saturday, January 1, 2011

As an instruction manual

The manual is an excellent application in the field of technical documentation. Say a good guide, the user must know only to a task correctly, efficiently and perform safely.Difficulty: ModerateInstructions1Identify people tasked with provided and writing on your level of understanding. Knowing your audience a table of contents on the front of the manual is an essential element of good technology writing. 2Write if your manual is more than a few pages. If your manual is very long, 3Write includes an index for the back a brief introduction to the task in qualitative terms. Give users an idea of what work and what will be the result. Take the opportunity, all important advice-General which will help the user to perform the task properly and, if necessary, a list of relevant materials and articles, the user will have efficiently. 4Provide to perform this task. If your instruction manual for the product Assembly and accompanied the assembled product, include a separate list of all parties who should have provided for the user. 5Clearly label that risks can lead to death, injury, property damage and other threats. Using the language which is consistent legal codes in the jurisdiction where are your manual sold. 6Write each individual action in the process of education as its own separate step, providing specific information that the user must complete this step. Each of these steps must not ambiguous, literal and directly to point. 7Illustrate manual with charts and illustrations, when it so help to hard for the user to clarify, provided there is room in your manual so that you insert the graphic könnens. 8Include, in its sole discretion, one in detaillead s advice to the user in the task list.

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