Thursday, December 30, 2010

2009 Professional boxing amendments Act

Professional boxing amendments Act was preceded by Senator John McCain in 2009. The Act established the Commission boxing USA (USBC) to the Department of Commerce (DOC). The Commission licensing and registration of participants of boxing boxing, contracts to rules and guidelines for Boxer, the evaluation. Although the legislation by the Committee of the Senate was recommended, the Senate to the Bill voted June 2010. Current licensing LawBoxing, contracts and fight are regulated by tribal and boxing commissions. There are no federal control or regulation of the activities. The proposed law does not replace these entities, but rather provide uniform minimum standards which would create a Federal Commission of three persons maintain.PurposeThe which had proposed law would regulate and supervise national minimum standards for the professional boxing. The Commission should monitor the implementation of new rules and regulations would by other entities.Licensing and legislation RegistrationThe USBC for boxer of the license, developers and managers require in every two to four years. The USBC should a register all licenses and costs comparable to those currently of tribal, State and local entities.Medical which would keep a record of each boxer RecordsThe USBC calculated free licensed medical condition. Boxer must undergo a medical check. Tribal, State and local boxing required would Commission to certain information of health and safety for Boxer. Ambulances and medical staff must exist, any criminal charges for non-compliance against the licensing of the proposed boxing match.ViolationThe legislation and regulatory requirements eingerichtets USBC.CostsAccording report June 2009 of theCongressional Budget Office that the Bill would 7 million in 2010 and $34 million between 2010 and 2014 have cost. It is important to the private sector and State and local governments of Égalementrépercussions. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that these effects would be 139 million on the private sector and State and local governments for 2009 69 million.

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