Monday, December 27, 2010

Primary document California Exotic Lands Act

California exotic country law prohibits 1913 ' aliens ineligible to citizenship ' own land or property. At the time this operation except white immigrants and call that. The Act was motivated by racism against Asian immigrants. OriginsIn 1913, know a new wave of immigration from Asia, including China and Japan California. California farmers are worried about competition from Japanese farmers, whose Methoden are adapted to an efficient use of the relatively small parcels. This led the alien land Act .ResponseJapanese American passport and the Japanese Government condemned the law. Many find a fault by the purchase of land to your children in the United States were born citizens of constitutional definition. 1920 A updated law was passed, this gap. Even stricter during the panics against war California land laws and started to more cases.RepealIn tracking 1952 SEI case Fujii v. California, the California Supreme Court found exoticism in violation of the fourteenth amendment that an equal according to the law protecting country law requires. You have been suspended by the State legislature in 1956.

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