Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Currency law

Act currency refers to any act, by the United States passed Congress regarding pressure, the currency and the physical distribution of currency and coins. These laws to ensure that a single currency in the States, fixed is used by a single authority. Coin law on coins the 1965 States: "the U.S. coins and currency (including the U.S. Federal Reserve notes and the circulation of banknotes of the Federal Reserve banks and banks) is legal for all debts, public taxes and contributions." The U.S. currency used and any business, Government or the person the for were and can accept numbers services but there is no federal mandate that must accept a person or company legal tender.Legal Act on legal 1862The 1862 were offers offers that print permission for the Federal Government and assign the value of the currency at the time of gold or silver was supported. The law was passed, the needs of the Union of the war to civil 1913The FED Act meet a system of of the Fed created for monetary policy, including of 1913, the distribution of money .Self PrintingFederal law prohibits strikes people War.Federal Reserve Act or print your own currency, but the "good celebrity," which known personalities function instead of the usual on the U.S. dollar portraits, can be printed and sold without parameter penalty responsible. Any other form of self printing with the intention to use the counterfeit, to were and services to buy is regarded as an infringement may be prosecuted.

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