Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How: write a testament in Florida

If you don't want that to control how your property will be divided if you then need to pass the State of Florida you write will be legally enforceable. Almost everyone should have a will in place more than 18 years. the truth is never if your time is. For Florida residents must meet code Florida real estate. You have certain requirements, your will but apart from those, any form of text prepare or required.Difficulty: moderately EasyInstructionsThings need: Word, OrPen paper1Meet essential requirements. Florida law requires that you at least 18 years old and "Mind." People are to be generally as his spirit, unless a claim, until you are incompetent. 2Write papers (for handwritten wills) at the top of your page or one your word processor (for typed wills) title as said "put your name will."3Begin commitment in writing one statement that indicates that you intend to make a will. For example, can by writing "I, [your name], his mind and understanding of the nature of my property and my inherit, my will this document this."4Describe owned and explain it inherits. In Florida, to specific devices (as the saying goes "[friend or family member name], I give my collection is in the top drawer of my discussion page baseball card") or General currency (for example, say "I give up my real estate [friend or family member name] set" ""). For specific devices, describe the property (what it is and where it is) sufficient to ensure that no dispute arise. 5Sign and the date of the will in the presence of two witnesses not. Each witness sign and date of the will. Lbe people choose, witnesses can it be interestedn or not interest, which means that you may be individuals who are the or. Keep the desire in a safe place as in a safe in a bank.

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