Thursday, December 23, 2010

Law of succession and wills

Succession and Wills Act determines how the property of a deceased person passes to the heirs or loved ones. It defines the requirements for the creation of a will. In the absence of a will, laws in intestate succession matters determine the distribution of goods. WillsA creates, to the disposition of property upon death. Some requirements are necessary. The testator (person create desire) must be testamentary capacity, the intellectual capacity to know that the consequences of the creation of engagement and awareness of all assets means. Wills must usually written, signed and witnessed. Some countries allow however holographic wills.Intestate SuccessionA deceased Erbengemeinschaften died intestate. Each State has adopted a registration code which contains the rules intestate succession. The exact method of property distribution varies greatly, but in General if the spouses have priority, followed by children.Wills and testament of a testament TogetherProvisions sometimes fail for example, if the property was no longer in the possession of the deceased. In these cases, the request and in intestate succession matters will work rules. Force readiness is the main goal, but the law of succession from Erbengemeinschaften is a system by default if the readiness doomed.

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